Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Week 3 weigh in

To say that I got off track this week would be like saying that my daughter effortlessly transitioned from diapers to undies (we've been working on it for two years and she still won't go in the potty regularly - we must be doing something wrong). Sure, we can focus on the things I did wrong: I didn't track my points everyday. I ate out a bunch. I snacked without tracking. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. We could focus on all that stuff, but no one ever climbed a mountain by being negative. At least I don't think they did. It seams to me to be the sort of sport where positivity would be important - otherwise you'd turn around as soon as you started to get winded. Yes, I am digressing. On purpose.

Lets focus on what I did right. I "weighed in" this morning. Do you have any idea how difficult that is when you know that you have gained weight? I briefly entertained the option of never stepping on a scale again, deleting this blog, and hiding in a hole for the rest of my life. Who are we kidding - no one lost weight doing that. I tracked my points...sometimes. Yea me.

OK, here goes.

Last week: 188.3 pounds
This week: 191.2 pounds

Gain: 2.9 pounds

That sucks. I wonder if that is ever going to work. If I'm ever going to get rid of this belly. The problem is, I don't know what else to try.

1 comment:

  1. it's totally going to work. Despair not, my dear. This was an exceptionally bad week because there was extreme cake on two separate days! How can you compete with that?!
