Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 4 weigh in

On the plus side, I stayed in my points on 5 out of the 7 days! This is a marked improvement which leads me to think that I might aim for 6 days this next week.

On the down side, the days I went over, I really went over. I went out to eat at this amazing place called Cool Water Fusion - the foodie inside me was doing the happy food dance for days after. Its probably some of the best food that I've had in almost 8 months. Needless to say I didn't worry so much about how many calories I was ingesting as I did about the amazing flavors dancing in my mouth. The real killer, though, was probably the 20 or so mint cookies I consumed following the meal. I get into the mind set of "Oh well, I've already blown it, I might as well go all the way!" Not the best attitude for optimal weight loss. The meal itself probably wasn't so bad, but the cookies definitely were.

After that night, I had trouble getting back on the horse, so I went over the next day as well. Grrr.

Despite these two massive overages, I managed to lose weight this week. Which, ironically, was even more frustrating. I want there to be a rhyme and reason for weight loss and weight gain. If I do "x", I will lose "y" pounds. According to my formula, I did "z", so I should have GAINED "w" pounds. The fact that this did not happen is actually quite depressing. I feel like I have no control over this process at all.

Weight Watchers always says that you need a reward when you reach a goal. They also say it should not be food, but lets face it. There is a reason I'm in the condition I'm in. I LOVE food. I'm thinking I will give myself the reward of eating out at Cool Water Fusion once I reach my 180 pound goal. This might keep me motivated to stay in my points ALL week. Fingers crossed.

I think I'm heading to the fair this afternoon. I'll be bringing my own snacks as a deep fried corndog would probably NOT help me reach my goal of getting to go to Cool Water Fusion anytime soon :)

Old Weight: 191.2 pounds
New Weight: 189.2 pounds

Loss: -2 pounds
Total loss: -1.3 pounds

Current Goal: 180 pounds
Weight left to lose to current goal: 9.2 pounds

1 comment:

  1. but there IS still rhyme and reason... it just means that staying within your points on 5 days is more significant than going over a couple days. And YOU know there's fluctuation.
    Anyways, what I really mean to say is Go You!
    P.S. We're going to see a blockbuster tomorrow, and we'll think of you (:
