Friday, October 30, 2009


I have got to be the most uninspiring weight loss buddy ever! I feel like I'm on a rowboat on the ocean - I get really excited and inspired to follow weight watchers by the letter and plan ahead and count everything I eat - then I jump to the other end of the spectrum and decide to eat everything in sight because "screw it, it doesn't matter!"

The good news is, you can apparently do this and maintain your weight. Yea.

The bad news is, I end up feeling guilty or disappointed the entire time. Guilty when I overeat, and disappointed when I'm not losing the weight I want.

I drug myself to a meeting today after being off the wagon for the past two weeks and I still haven't had the courage to look at the number. The receptionist was very professional and didn't give anything away, but you can't be off the wagon for two weeks without some sort of gain.

I think I'm going to write up motivational messages and post them around the house. Maybe I can stay on top of the wave for a while.


  1. Oh, We have to tslk...Life is hard.

    I love you,


  2. Mhm.
    I have recently started to feel hungry around lots of food after feeling good about portions. I don't know what happened. Maybe my diet changed, and I'm getting less of something, or maybe working is making me overtired, and part of trying to get more energy is by eating. I don't know, but I feel like my stomach is growing by the day and like I'm always denying it food. Grrr.
