Monday, August 31, 2009

Boot Camp

When I first began my weight loss journey, I was working with a personal trainer named Christina. She was awesome. She kicked my butt every time I saw her, but she was a lot of fun to talk to and we seamed to have a lot in common. Even after I quit personal training due to financial issues, she kept texting me asking me things like what I had eaten for dinner and did I want to go work out with her. What a gem.

Every Monday evening at 7pm, she teaches a fitness class called Boot Camp, which is just like it sounds - boot camp. Its an hour of intense cardio mixed with weight training. She texted me this morning asking if I would come and I decided that I had had enough sitting around on butt so I went. Wow! I knew it was going to be hard, but I was literally drenched in sweat. My face looked like a watermelon, and I was certain that time had stopped about half way through the class. But I did it. Not only did I do it, but I felt great afterwards. 

How do I keep forgetting how wonderful exercise makes me feel? I need to find new exercises and not get stuck in the same boring routine. 

So, thank you Christina, and I'll be there next Monday even if it kills me.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


At one of my weight watcher meetings, my leader told us that we should be different breakfasts every day. I have a hard enough time rolling out of bed at 6:30, or whenever my little one decides its time to start the day, stumbling downstairs, turning on the coffee pot, and making a pot of oatmeal. My brain just does not function well enough in the morning to think about WHAT to cook, let alone HOW to cook it. Let's face it, you don't have to think too much to make a pot of oatmeal. Toss in some blueberries and you have a delicious 2 point breakfast with a fruit serving. 

I'm thinking the important thing is to EAT breakfast, period. Why should eating different foods for breakfast matter?

Weigh In

I didn't make it to my WW meeting yesterday because we went on a family blueberry picking trip, so I weighed in today instead. I know these are going to sound like excuses, but let me preface my weigh in number with the following stipulations:
1) I was weighing in at a different time of day wearing different clothes than I normally do
2) The Saturday leader was no good
3) I had my trusty side kick with me which cut down the length of time we were able to stay at the meeting.

OK, enough excuses. I gained .8 pounds this week. Ack! I don't think I've been taking this plan very seriously lately. I guess its time to change. Here is my week in review:

Tracking: I was really good on Friday, Wednesday, and Thursday...the rest of the week...not so much

Fruits and Veggies: I ate all my fruits and veggies - this one is easy for me

Water: As long as coffee counts (and WW now acknowledges that it does)

Exercise: What is this "exercise" that you speak of?...

So, yes, I need to exercise and track points. I can do this...I can do this...

Weighing In

As expected, I was up this week, but not as much I thought I might be. I gained .8 pounds - which really, if you think about it, is just a big poop :) My leader is so great, though. I am feeling totally motivated to write everything down this week and really start anew.  First challenge of the week - date night tonight! Adam and I finally get to go out (sorry, love, I'm using your real name...all four of my readers now know who you are). We're going to get dinner then go to a baseball game with a friend of our who is celebrating her birthday. I always mess up when I eat out. I will be good tonight...or at least, I'll write down everything I eat...I can do that...

Pregnancy Weight

I gained a considerable amount of weight while pregnant with my daughter. I had just finished with a year of weight watchers and had lost over 30 pounds. I think that my body was so excited to not be on a restricted calorie diet that it went a little crazy (as I did on occasion). I ended up gaining 45 pounds and ended up losing only about 20 of those pounds when little baby Ilya came out. Everyone kept saying that the rest would just melt away since I was breast-feeding. I don't know what world these people live in where pounds just "melt away." In my experience pounds have NEVER just "melted away," and post pregnancy was no different. In face, I gained weight. 

Gaining weight, losing sleep, giving up my career, focusing on the needs of someone else 24/7 all contributed my depression (which I am thankfully almost completely rid of). 

So, about three months ago, I joined weight watchers again as well as 24 hour fitness. Things were going great (I lost 12 pounds!) and then I kinda fell off the wagon - hence this blog post. I realized that the only way to be successful in my weight loss journey is to be accountable. I figure if I update my blog with my progress, it will keep me on here goes:

I weigh in on Fridays. 

Last Friday my weight was: 170.2 pounds.

I think that I probably gained weight this week as I have been eating whatever I like all week, including a pizza yesterday! I am dedicated to staying within my points today. I'll let you all know how it works out tomorrow.